In His Presence Daily Devotional

Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

God needs your body! Will you offer it to him? 

The Apostle Paul brings a passionate spiritual appeal from the throne room of Grace to us asking us to offer our bodies to God for him to use.

God needs earthly bodies for his agenda on the earth. He needs us physically to be involved in his service and he knows how the world system competes with his work on so many fronts that he appeals to us to consider how merciful he has been to us and in return offer our bodies to God for his service.

God needs you. He needs you to present yourself in his house for him to use you.

He needs your time, he needs your legs and your mouth for ministry. Will you reapond to his passionate appeal?

The amplified translation renders this verse thus;

I APPEAL to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.

It sad to say that many people are ungrateful about the mercies of God. They use God when they need him and after they get what they want they dump God.

They are in church when they need a miracle and they attend prayer meetings but after they get their breakthrough, they stop going to church and whenever you ask them, they always have wonderful excuses.

In view of God's mercies to you he is asking you to give back something to him and stop being ungrateful for his mercies.

Make a decisive decision to dedicate yourself to God's service.

It is the rational, intelligent thing for you to do. God needs you for his work in his house.

Are you the type of Christian who only seeks God when you need a breakthrough and then after you get the breakthrough you become full of excuses why you cannot go to church?

God is appealing to you to consider his mercies to you and offer yourself to His service.

Get back into the church which is the house of God and find a place to serve in the church.

Imagine that God appeared in your bedroom and pleaded with him to do something for him in church. would you give him excuses?

Well his words are more sure than he appearing to you and he is saying I need your body.

God needs your mouth to sing in the choir. God needs your legs for evangelism. He needs you to serve in different ways in his house.

Never forget this, the church is the house of God and God needs you to help take care of his house.

Why not make a decision today to remove any obstacle on your path and dedicate yourself to God's service.

You have just one life to live, why not live it, in a way that when Jesus sees you he can say: well done thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.

Today, if you hear his voice harden. ot your heart.

Say this prayer; Father, help me to serve you as I ought going forward. I destroy every stronghold of Satan where he hinders me from service in God's house in Jesus name.

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Pastor Emmanuel Ogbechie
Diplomats' Assembly Church

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